

Conserve and restore Arboretum lands, advance restoration ecology, and foster the land ethic.


The Arboretum is a global source of knowledge of and a model for restoring ecologically sustainable relationships between people and the land through integrative, innovative, and collaborative approaches in science, stewardship, education, and public engagement.

2021 Strategic Plan

The 2021 Arboretum strategic plan (PDF) focuses on identifying our desired impact in the world and laying out the strategic path we must follow to enable and arrive at that impact.

Our desired impact: We seek to create and support engaged communities fostering healthy and diverse landscapes.

The Arboretum’s mission – conserve and restore Arboretum lands, advance restoration ecology, and foster the land ethic – remains unchanged. The strategic plan was created and approved by Arboretum staff in consultation with the Arboretum Committee and the UW–Madison Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research.

Annual Reports

Our 2022 annual report reflects a year of change and looking forward, sharing stories and accomplishments that highlight a full return to the work of land care, research, environmental education, and visitor engagement along with essential support from volunteers and donors.

Download the 2022 Arboretum annual report»

Download the 2021 Arboretum annual report»

UW–Madison Land Acknowledgement

The University of Wisconsin–Madison, including the Arboretum, occupies ancestral Ho-Chunk land, a place their nation has called Teejop (day-JOPE) since time immemorial.

In an 1832 treaty, the Ho-Chunk were forced to cede this territory.

Decades of ethnic cleansing followed when both the federal and state government repeatedly, but unsuccessfully, sought to forcibly remove the Ho-Chunk from Wisconsin.

This history of colonization informs our shared future of collaboration and innovation.

Today, UW–Madison respects the inherent sovereignty of the Ho-Chunk Nation, along with the eleven other First Nations of Wisconsin.

Learn more at Our Shared Future»

UW–Madison Statement on Diversity

Diversity is a source of strength, creativity, and innovation for UW–Madison. We value the contributions of each person and respect the profound ways their identity, culture, background, experience, status, abilities, and opinion enrich the university community. We commit ourselves to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, outreach, and diversity as inextricably linked goals.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison fulfills its public mission by creating a welcoming and inclusive community for people from every background – people who as students, faculty, and staff serve Wisconsin and the world.

Learn more about Diversity and Inclusion at UW–Madison.