Established in 1962, Friends of the Arboretum (FOA) is a nonprofit organization that supports the UW–Madison Arboretum’s work and mission. Being a Friend demonstrates a commitment to the principles and practice of ecological restoration. Friends’ contributions support Arboretum community outreach, education, volunteer programs, land care projects, and research.

Be a Friend, Support the Arboretum

To become a Friend or renew your Friends support, make a contribution online.

You can also download a contribution form and mail it to the Arboretum.

Benefits of Being a Friend

Contribution Levels

Yearly contributions for individuals and families are suggested at several levels:

  • Supporting Friend $70
  • Sustaining Friend $125
  • Legacy Friend $300
  • Patron Friend $1,000
  • Benefactor $5,000

You can also enter an amount of your choice in the contribution form. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.