Research Permit Request

Please review the information on the Research Permits page before proceeding with your application. If you do not receive a response within 5 work days, please email

  • Applicant information

  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Do you grant permission for us to share your email address in Arboretum research reports and other communications?
  • Permit information

  • Is this a funded project?
  • Timeline

  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Provide the date by which you will submit all data to the Arboretum.
    Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Vehicle

  • Are you requesting use of your personal vehicle on Arboretum firelanes?
  • Vehicle yearMakeModelLicense plate #
  • Project information

  • Provide a title for your project.
  • Describe the project and note any benefits to the Arboretum.
    0 of 6000 max characters
  • Indicate any potential negative impact on Arboretum land.
    0 of 6000 max characters
  • Check all that apply.
  • Provide additional location details, including research unit (see map) and a detailed description, if known.
    0 of 6000 max characters
  • Describe any structures to be left on site during research (e.g., posts, flagging, data logger) and for how long. Indicate flag color and removal date. Note: Researchers are responsible for removal of all structures when research is completed.
    0 of 6000 max characters
  • Describe precautions you will take to minimize impact on Arboretum resources.
    0 of 6000 max characters
  • As a site of ecological restoration, Arboretum land management includes invasive species treatment and removal, tree and brush removal, prescribed fire, seed collection, planting and seeding, mowing, and other activities. Do you have concerns that management activities might interfere with your research project?
  • Provide an abstract for use in research communications. (Maximum 150 words.) Abstract may be edited for style and consistency. Not required for class projects.
  • Permit terms

    By signing below you agree to do the following (more information is on the Research Permits page):

    • put name and permit number on all structures
    • help steward Arboretum lands and report any concerns during the project
    • carry your permit while in the field
    • if requested, participate in annual Arboretum Research Symposium
    • for multi-year projects, submit a brief progress report by November 1 of each year
    • provide data, metadata, photos of research activities, and resulting papers and presentations to the Arboretum.

  • (Enter full name)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.